The collision of the milky way and Andromeda

the Milky way is going to collide with Andromeda in 4 billion years and they have a speed   of 168 miles per second yep galaxies move very fast indeed

the Milky way is our galaxy which is about 13.6 billion years old, it was born pretty early after the big bang the milky way is 100 000 light years wide but it is not even half the lengths of the big Andromeda.

Andromeda is 10 billion years old and have a lengths of  220 000 light years wide and contains about a trillion stars while the Milky way galaxy only contains about 0.4 trillion stars and like every other galaxies they both have a big black hole in the middle of there galaxy.

Andromedas black hole is the same mass s 110 million suns while the Milky ways black hole only contains 4.1 suns it seems certain that the Milky way is going to loose but actually there chance of destroying each other is 50% 50% because of dark matter.

Dark matter is a thing we can not explain with our rules and we are not even sure that it exist but if dark matter exist it will explain a lot but we know  almost nothing about space so yeah but many seems to believe it.

Dark matter is 85% of all the matter in the universe and the milky way happens to have a lot of dark matter around.

Our galaxy have about 2 million LIGHT YEARS of dark matter around us that is more then the milky way itself while Andromeda have very little dark matter compare to the milky way so if you put them in a boxing area it I would say they have an equal  chance of beating each other

but the interesting thing is sidekicks the Milky way sadly dose not have any but Andromeda dose and its name is M33 though the Milky way probably would have M33 for breakfast  

Andromeda have eaten 2 galaxies but the Milky way is not new to this either our galaxy have eaten a total of 12 galaxy so it is always a boring 50% 50% to win

                                         this is dark matter and it is invisible 

                                                feel free to ask anything in the comments
