10 ways to find your purpose ( the longest )
Most people don't know this but finding your purpose is one of the happiest things that can happen whether you realize it or not.
Now here are 5 things that can help you to find your purpose.
1. trying new things that you would never do
Trying new things is a great way of finding your purpose, at first it may seem a little crazy but later it should be quite fun like something that will take you out of your comfort zone.
If you don't want to do this you should do this more than normal people because that means you do not have a wide comfort zone but don't worry you can always expand your comfort zones to something bigger and better
2. have a positive personality
A positive personality is really helpful when you're trying to find your purpose because then people would love to talk with you and a lot of purpose in people's lives requires a lot of people or more than 1 so it would be great if you had a positive personality.
But if you don't have a positive personality don't worry you can always change that is a thing all positive mindsets have.
But you don't have to force a positive personality out of yourself then it is just, well wrong. And if you have a positive midset then the next one should be easy for you to do.
3. Question people about their purpose
You can ask how other people got their purpose it is usually a great story to hear and you might be inspired to do something like that too but with a different ending or just hear about their speech and 100% listen and they talk 100%.
You can find some inspiration in there story too and I am sure they can give you some tips you can write in the comments below who you choose to hear the story from
4. Start a blog
Starting a blog can be really pleasant it is not stressful at all some people think that if you start a website or a blog you will spend all your time caring for it and taking care of it and you will be so sad if nobody watches it but that is just not true,
Blogging is a relaxing thing you can write whatever you want and whenever you want you don't have to care about how many views just write what you think is interesting and I am sure you will be getting a lot of views.
5. A purpose is what you care for
Many people say that your purpose is your skill but that is very wrong a purpose should be something you care about something you think is interesting, and when you start as a little baby your only skill is crying it is you who got interested in the world around you.
I don't care how good you are at the thing you care for I only care about if you like it or not and do you work on it if you think it is too difficult maybe you should try again or simply find another purpose.
6. Changing purposes is normal
Some might take changing purposes as a sign that you are not capable of doing your purpose but actually changing purposes is totally normal it is just a sign that you starting to care about other things.
like when you live in a place close to the pyramid you might get interested in history but when you move to a place that made great ice cream you might get interested in baking.
7. Do what you want
As I mentioned before a purpose is something you care for but it can that you want a cool purpose like thermodynamics but in reality, you like religion.
Now here is a little experiment that can help you find your purpose first think of the coolest thing that can happen from 2022 to 2023 and now ask yourself how can I make it come true you might want to be a celebrity, have a lot of money or whatever is going on in your brain but ask yourself this question.
8. A purpose should be fun
A purpose should be very fun maybe the funniest thing in the world it is not something boring it is something fun enjoy it like an early vacation to the place of your dreams.
And by the way, 50% of your happiness comes from what you think, 40% comes from what you do, and 10% comes from where you're at.
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