Education taught us that only the moon reflects light and that's why we have moonlight. But what about other things ??? You will learn about the human eye and light NOW !!!
We see things because light from the sun comes to earth and it hits a wall then the light will bounce and eventually it will hit our eyes ( "eventually" is pretty quick since light is the fastest thing in the universe)
Yes, light is faster than your dad shouting to you that you should eat more vegetables. Back to the topic, so when we see a certain object it is because a light source is generating light and the light will bounce at an object and bounce to your eyes. Basically light is like a tennis ball that travels at a speed of around 299,792,458 m/hour.
So when we see something it is because it reflects light to our pupils and pupil are the round things in our eyes. So when we see another person that means they are reflecting light. You can always go back and read it again.
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