107 Nobel Prize Winners tells Greenpeace to Shut the F up

  STARLOG.COM       GMOs & GreenPeace     

"107 Nobel Prize Winners Tells Greenpeace to Shut the F up"

Studies show that only 30% of american grown-ups are comfterble with having GMOs in their foods. There is several GMO labeling. A popular one called greenpeace. They want to eliminate "The GMO invasion". 
They offer their GMO-free labeling to any company that would pay for it. To get the label, the product don´t even have to be 100% GMO-free. That´s just not cool. 
Alot of comapines actually paid for this crap. This really angerd the scientific comunity which resulted in A HUNDRED SEVEN NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS to sign a letter towards Greenpeace. 
In Gen Z words, they basically told greenpeace to Shut the F up.  Nobel Prize winners can also be savage when the right time comes am i right?

Why does people hate GMOs so much? Because studies show that GMOs are... Oh wait, no studies have proven that GMOs are bad for you? And that the majority of studies all proved that GMOs have no effect on you? Bummers... 


Wait a sec... People hate it because it uses all sorts of weird chemicals and pesticides! That must be right! Oh wait... Because you can genetically modify them you can make them more resistant to viruses and pests requiring less pesticides!?


GMO isn´t a bad thing. Heck, it´s a good thing! Really good thing. Without GMOs more crops would have died resulting in more hunger. There are 830 MILLION hungry people. 350 million are facing SEVERE hunger!


If we used more GMOs and make the cost of making food go down a bit more. Who knows how many people we could save. 


As a famous retired youtuber Matpat once said "I want to make the world a bit of a better place because i was apart of it. I don´t need to find a cure for cancer." And than something inspirational that i forgot. Oops...

So be a kind human and please don´t bully the GMOs. Remeneber Starlogers to shoot for the Stars! :)


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