Coronavirus is from SPACE!?!?!?! (extra long )

We are all familiar with the coronavirus right? It is a bad thing that killed millions😔 Some think it's from China (they are a bit stupid to make them) or nature because of global warming or whatever they believe But what about the vacuum?

                                                       50% OFF limited Vacuum High quality

Wait not that vacuum but speaking of vacuums you can buy a 70% high-quality vacuum by using the link #Starlog1582 and get a 90% of the 70% vacuum by our sponsor IKEA but wait... I don't have a sponsor well let us start talking about vacuums now (oh that red one looks good) 

A vacuum in physics is space meaning it has nothing like space ( Annoying viewer: ughhhh Sophia you are sooo stupid what about dark matter and dark energy ughhhh so stupid)

Well, actually when they named the vacuum (space, not the 70% off one) they don't know what that even is !! so I can not really help it and if you want to learn about dark matter I will write one you can check that out.

Some researchers have made a discovery about a significant solar flare just some time ago before the coronavirus first broke out in China.

And also that they have quite the same pattern but then California's breakup data is VERY similar on how much butter one consumes like butter and love are two TOTALY different things could it be the same for the solar flare?

But it does not only have one same pattern but TWO. Solar flares are good at giving earth damage it can cause many problems like destroying electricity, killing by radiation,and many more, and starting a worldwide virus is definitely one of them.

So what do you think it was just bad luck or... they do have some links😯 hmm please comment your comments down there until next time byeeeee 😉


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