Should we have chewing gum in class?

 Chewing gum is a common habit that many people enjoy, but it is often banned or discouraged in schools. Some teachers and administrators think that chewing gum is distracting, messy, and unhealthy. However, there are many benefits of chewing gum that can actually improve the learning environment and the well-being of students. Here are some reasons why we should have chewing gum in class:

Chewing gum helps improve memory and cognitive performance

One of the main benefits of chewing gum is that it can enhance memory and cognitive performance. Research has shown that chewing gum increases the blood flow to the brain, which delivers more oxygen and glucose to the brain cells. This can improve alertness, attention, and mental processing speed12.

A study by researchers at St. Lawrence University found that students who chewed gum during tests performed better than those who did not3. The researchers suggested that chewing gum may reduce stress and anxiety, which can impair cognitive performance. Another study by researchers at Coventry University found that chewing gum improved memory recall and decision making in healthy adults4.

Chewing gum can also help students focus and avoid distractions. A study by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine found that students who chewed gum during math class had higher test scores and grades than those who did not5. The researchers hypothesized that chewing gum may stimulate the brain regions involved in attention and self-regulation.

Chewing gum improves oral health

Another benefit of chewing gum is that it can improve oral health. Chewing gum can help clean the teeth and remove food particles that may cause plaque and cavities. Chewing gum also stimulates saliva production, which helps neutralize acids and remineralize the enamel6.

Some chewing gums contain ingredients that can prevent tooth decay and gum disease. For example, xylitol is a natural sweetener that inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause dental caries7. Sorbitol is another sweetener that has a similar effect. Aspartame, a common artificial sweetener, has no effect on oral bacteria, but it does not promote tooth decay either8.

Chewing gum can also help prevent bad breath and dry mouth. Bad breath is caused by bacteria that produce volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth. Chewing gum can mask the odor and increase saliva flow, which helps wash away the bacteria. Dry mouth is a condition where the mouth does not produce enough saliva, which can lead to oral discomfort, infections, and tooth decay. Chewing gum can help moisten the mouth and relieve dryness.

Chewing gum controls obesity

A third benefit of chewing gum is that it can control obesity. Obesity is a major health problem that affects millions of children and adults worldwide. Obesity can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other chronic diseases.

Chewing gum can help prevent obesity by reducing appetite and calorie intake. A study by researchers at the University of Rhode Island found that chewing gum before meals reduced hunger and snack cravings, and led to lower calorie consumption. Another study by researchers at the University of Liverpool found that chewing gum after meals reduced the desire for sweet and salty snacks.

Chewing gum can also help burn calories and increase metabolism. A study by researchers at Waseda University found that chewing gum while walking increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation. Another study by researchers at Mayo Clinic found that chewing gum increased resting metabolic rate by 3%.


Chewing gum is not just a fun habit, but a beneficial one as well. Chewing gum can improve memory and cognitive performance, oral health, and obesity control. These benefits can enhance the learning outcomes and well-being of students in school. Therefore, we should have chewing gum in class, as long as we follow some basic rules of etiquette and hygiene:

  • Choose sugar-free gums with natural or artificial sweeteners that do not harm the teeth or oral bacteria.
  • Chew quietly and discreetly, without making noises or blowing bubbles.
  • Dispose of used gums properly, in a trash bin or a wrapper.
  • Respect the preferences of others who may not like or tolerate chewing gum.
  • Enjoy the benefits of chewing gum responsibly and moderately.

With these guidelines in mind, we can make chewing gum a positive part of our school experience.

If you want to read more you can look at our newer blogpost about the famous chewing brand Extra. It claims to be good for your teeth and is sugar-free... But is it?


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