Venus Is BETTER Than MARS for LIVING!?!


"Venus Is BETTER Than MARS for LIVING!?!"

  Earth, you are probobly familiar with that name since thats the planet we both live in. But now our population are over 8 billion! We are getting quiet allot of problems. If everyone was to live as nicely as the average sweede (Part of the nordic conutrys in Europe. Also known as the land of meatballs and IKEA)  Than we are going to need FOUR earths!

  Incase you didnt know, we only got one so far. But we are working on a second planet. You might heard some people saying that we should move to mars. Either by living indoors or bombing the planet with nuclear bombs. Or other stuff like that. 

  But why just Mars? Others known Venus as the hot red planet. If we do it right Venus could be exactly like Earth! Or even better.... Lets dive in and see what I mean. 

Proximity to Earth

  Venus is our closest planetary neighbor, making the journey shorter and more energy-efficient. This proximity could significantly reduce travel time and costs for transporting materials and people, making it a more accessible option for repeated missions.

  That also makes Venus hotter. Just like Mars, scientist found traces of Venuns´s water vapour in its atmosphere. That means that Venus had oceans on its surface berfore. but lost it due to the runaway green house effect. If we change that, Venus could have its oceans back!

  Humanity have many plans for that. One of my favorites is the Sunshade! Its kind of like the name. It shields venus from the suns rays. Its gonna be Preety big. We dont really have the tecnolgy or material to build it now. But hopefully we can do some space minning and get thoese RESOURCES! Read this blogpost about space minning. Sunshades & Cloud-cities On VENUS! For HUMANS TO LIVE IN! (

Other ideas such as... Also work

  • Genetically engineered microbes to convert atmospheric carbon dioxide into organic matter.
  • Capturing and sequestering carbon in the form of stable minerals.

  Did you know that Venus is hot enogh to melt LEAD! Yeah, LEAD! Thats not normal hot. Thats HOT-HOT. 

Solar Energy Advantage

Venus’s closeness to the Sun offers a solar energy bonanza. With higher solar irradiance, we could harness more power to sustain the colony and fuel the terraforming process, a clear advantage over the more distant and dimly lit Mars.

Earth-like Gravity

One of Venus’s most Earth-like features is its gravity, which is only slightly lower than our own planet’s. This similarity would make the adaptation process for humans and other Earth species much smoother, potentially reducing health risks associated with low gravity environments like that of Mars.

Atmospheric Protection

The thick atmosphere of Venus provides robust protection against cosmic rays and solar radiation, unlike Mars’s thin atmosphere. This natural shield could safeguard future colonists from the harmful effects of space weather, making Venus a safer habitat.

A Floating Future

Until the surface becomes hospitable, we could establish floating cities in the upper atmosphere, where temperatures and pressures are more Earth-like. These aerial habitats could serve as a base for terraforming operations and initial colonization efforts.

Ethical and Environmental Considerations

The prospect of terraforming Venus raises important ethical and environmental questions. The potential impact on any existing ecosystems, the responsibility of altering another world, and international cooperation are all factors that must be carefully weighed.


While Mars remains a strong candidate for colonization, Venus’s unique advantages make it an intriguing alternative. The challenges are significant, but so are the potential rewards. As we advance technologically, the dream of transforming Venus into a second Earth becomes increasingly within our grasp.

Terraforming Venus is not just a scientific endeavor; it’s a testament to human ingenuity and our eternal desire to reach beyond the horizon. Perhaps, in the not-so-distant future, the morning star will shine as a beacon of a new human era.

Terraforming Venus is a topic that blends the boundaries of science fiction and plausible future science. While the challenges are immense, the potential benefits could make the venture worthwhile. As we continue to explore the cosmos, Venus might just become a prime candidate for humanity’s next big leap. Wuv-u Starlogggers. Shoot for the stars. 


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