Lymphatic system but its REALLY SIMPLE

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"Lymphatic system but its REALLY SIMPLE"

You might have heard about the immune system. But have you heard about the lymphatic system? A system unbeknownst to the majority and often overlooked. So today we are going to give it the recognition it deserves!

What is the Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system is a bunch of vessels, nodes, and organs that work together to transport lymph, a clear fluid containing white blood cells, throughout the body. This system is part of the immune system and complements the circulatory system. 

In simpler words, the lymph is like a police that takes unwanted guests to the lymph nodes where they will be further interrogated. If they prove to be unwanted than the lymphocytes will personally execute them. 

Key Components of the Lymphatic System

  1. Lymph: This fluid is similar to blood plasma and contains waste products, bacteria, and proteins. It is collected from tissues throughout the body.
  2. Lymphatic Vessels: These vessels transport lymph from tissues to the lymph nodes and eventually back to the bloodstream. 
  3. Lymph Nodes: Small, bean-shaped structures that filter lymph and house lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). They are crucial for immune response.
  4. Lymphoid Organs: These include the spleen, thymus, and tonsils (Not toenails), which produce and activate lymphocytes. 

Fun fact: Your thymus will start to shut down after puberty. That means you´re T-cell factory will be less efficient. T cells is the super weapon that has a cure to every single disease in the past, present, and future. Don´t belive me? Read this blog post. 
Why I Simp For T-cells (

Functions of the Lymphatic System

  1. Fluid Balance: The lymphatic system collects excess fluid from tissues and returns it to the bloodstream, preventing swelling and maintaining fluid balance.
  2. Immune Defense: Lymph nodes filter out harmful substances and pathogens, while lymphocytes attack and destroy invaders. Yes, the T cells, and B cells. My idols. 
  3. Nutrient Absorption: The lymphatic system also plays a role in absorbing fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system. 

Common Disorders of the Lymphatic System

  1. Lymphoedema: This condition involves swelling due to the accumulation of lymph fluid, often in the arms or legs. It can result from genetic factors or damage to the lymphatic system. 
  2. Infections: Lymph nodes can become swollen and painful when fighting infections, a condition known as lymphadenitis.
  3. Cancer: Lymphoma is a type of cancer that originates in the lymphatic system. Early detection and treatment are crucial for managing this disease.

Functions of T cells and B cells (overview)

  1. The Dendritic cell presents a sample of a virus to the T cell. It searches for an ok-ish match when it does it starts to make copies of itself and heads to the battlefield to help out When the battle is won, it self-destructs. Except for some that become memory cells. Read this for an easier explanation: Why I Simp For T-cells (
  1. B cells: They are smaller than T cells. They don´t require a sample presented by another cell. They can transform into plasma cells that are specialized killers for the target and support the complement too. Read this, that explain B cells in detail! Why I Simp For B-cells (and T cells) (

The lymphatic system may not always be in the spotlight, but its role in maintaining our health is indispensable. In my personal opinion, T cells and B cells are the best part of the immune system. Remember, Shoot for the stars Starlogers!


  1. If T cells have a cure for every single possible virus why do people die of viruses

    1. Viruses looks and are VERY different from one another, But it has to have the key components of a virus. Your T cell collection just need to get the base material of a virus and it beats it with overwhelmingly chances.

      However, when you die. You would know that this is not the case. A big reason for that is aging. I´m not ageist but nature is.
      Once you have stopped producing babies you are deemed worthless. Many of your crucial organs starts to shut down. As I said before, the thymus being one of them.

      Once you stop producing new T cells things get harder. It could also be other reason. The virus can trick the immune system, the virus can brainwash the immune system, autoimmune diseases, the ok-ish match your t cells find might not be good enough, m.m.


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