The heart´s 4 rooms: But its for kids

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"The heart´s 4 rooms: But it's for kids"

The human heart is one pump of awesomeness, tirelessly working to keep us alive so that we can nag about how short our school lunch is. At the core of this vital organ are its four chambers, each playing a crucial role in the circulatory system. Let’s take a closer look at these chambers and their functions!

The Right Atrium: The Starting Point

The journey of blood through the heart begins in the right atrium. This chamber receives deoxygenated blood from the body through two humongous vein pipes, biologist call them the superior and inferior vena cava.  Superior is the pipe (vein) that transport blood from your upper body to the heart. The pipe that transports blood from the lower body is Inferior.

Then the right atrium, which is like a little room in your heart squeezes! it pushes blood into the next room, called the right ventricle, through a special door called the tricuspid valve.

The Right Ventricle: The Pump to the Lungs

Once the blood enters the right ventricle, it is pumped to the lungs via the pulmonary artery AKA a cool tube that carries blood. This is where the blood gets oxygenated. where it throws out carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen.

The Left Atrium: The Oxygen-Rich Chamber

After the blood gets that sweet oxygen, it returns to the heart, to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins (Still the fancy blood tubes. There are 4 to be exact). The left atrium waits patiently for the blood. When it’s ready, it squeezes just like its right twin! and sends the blood through a door called the mitral valve into the left ventricle.

So what is the difference between the tricuspid valve and the mitral valve? Well, they both act as doors but the tricuspid valve flap-like things that biologist calls cusps. Hence the name TRIcuspid. You know, like in TRIo. While the mitral only has 2 cusps so it also has a secret name called BIcuspid valve. 

The Left Ventricle: The Powerhouse

The left ventricle is the most powerful chamber of the heart it´s where all the boom shakalaka happens. Its thick muscular walls are made to pump oxygenated blood throughout the entire body. When it squeezes, it pushes blood through a door called the aortic valve into the biggest artery tube AKA the aorta. The aorta then sends the blood to the whole body. Happy ending.


The four chambers of the heart work together to ensure that blood circulates efficiently throughout the body. Each chamber has a specific role, and together, they maintain the delicate balance necessary for life. So guys, please stop doom-scrolling. I myself feel guilt when I do so.

Remenber, shoot for the stars! Starlogers! 


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