Life on Mars

 Ah Mars who would not dream of living there but on the other hand how is it to live on mars? 

Mars has been called the red planet it may look ok when you look at a picture of it far away but when you do a close up you will see there is TORNATO ALL the time.

Mars tornados are small as you see in the picture so we don't need anything too strong but I am sure you will get killed if you when out unprotected.

Becouse of the tornados we will have to have strong shelters and we can not come out of it becouse mars ground is going to kill you if your not protected so the city will be like a huge house that have many people shopping in 

But on to the second thing food what will we eat and how are we going to plant them? Will that brings us to the green house affect which will provide us with food.

Or we can have a little open and close machine that can let carbon in. Since mars is full of carbon it is going to be very easy to plant and make food on mars and there will be many vegans when we can live on mars.
