Why Social media is destroying us

    We always look at our social media right . But why ? Your in luck and I am going to tell you why.😉   we like social media becouse we can see how others life's are . Like  prince Harry that lives in the Kensington palace.

We think that there life is soooo nice and we want to have that. But when you post your social media you don't just post one any where you will see which one is the best looking or has better lighting idk  I don't have social media where you post picture or things you have that's just weird for me.

but when we look at those peoples pics which must have be the best looking best lighting bla bla boring adults stuff then we are going to be sad😞 why?  Becouse when we look at the perfect picture we just think about our own life's 

( but Twitter is good as long as  you don't look at others life's you can actually learn a lot from Twitter)
