How The Quack Does Bluetooth Connect With Your Phone!


  STARLOG.COM        Quacks & Bluetooth     INSPIR.TJ3S

"How The Quack Does Bluetooth Connect With Your Phone!"

Da Light

  You use LIGHT to communicate. But not the light you see with your eyes, (380-700 nm ). You use the light from 121-124 mm. "mm" is exactly what you think:. milimeter. Cheak out the electromagnetic spectrum below.   Fun fact did you know, that the light is soooo loooong. It can pass through walls. 

  But what has this to do with me listening to my precious BLACKPINK? Well, you express the light in 1s and 0s. So we can make lets say 121, red. 124, green. 
  Your phones attena send a red light out. Your bluetooth sees this and knows you want a 1. Your microchip will write it down. 

  Its exactly like that exept you cant see the light plus this happens about 1 000 000 times a second. So no biggie. 

Block the neighbor

  OK, now they can communicate. But if I'm listening to my precious BLACKPINK. But my friend beside me is listening to some Rhiana. Won't my Bluetooth also play the Rhiana i don't like. 
  Well, it's not really as simple as red and green. There are 79 sections with that 121 and 124. So i can be in section 32 while that Rhiana friend is in section 62.  
  Each channel has its own purple and green. T.ex Magenta & Dark Ocean blue. 

  Buuuut, what if I was at a party with 158 people? And all of them listen to different music! I would HAVE to share a section with someone. But I only hear MY BLACKPINK and nobody else's trash.
  Before I continue, I just want to appreciate how your earbuds bravely walk through the lag. Bravo

The actual Quack about Paring

  Think of your earbuds as a lock sorta thing. When you pair the earbuds with the phone. Your earbuds send out something kinda like a key through its antenna to your phone. If your friend is in the same channel. You can see the key. It's just that your earbuds will completely ignore it. 

  The key will get sent back and forth, Your phone will make a new key and tell it to your earbuds using the old key. And so on. 

Hackers Caus Its Fun

  Let's say you pissed off some pro-hacker bad guys because you said BLACKPINK is much better than their Crap. So they decided to hack into your channel and steal your key. 

  Luckily for you, you will still hear the one and only BLACKPINK. Its not that people with bad taste are bad hackers. It's that your phone and earbuds actually switch between the 79 channels. SHOCKING!

  They hop around these channels about 16 times a second. Plus 2 0s at the end. So not too much. Oh, and this is called frequency hopping. So the hackers could listen to the amazing BLACKPINK for a very short period of time. Once you switch to a new channel, its gonna be hard to find you. 

 You're welcome. Also, Shoot for the Stars! Starloggers! 



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