What if Mercury (planet) is made out of Mercury (element)

  STARLOG.COM        Mercury & Mercury    INSPR.TJ3S

"What if Mercury (the planet) was made of Mercury (The element)"

If you’re pondering a scenario where the planet Mercury was composed entirely of the element mercury, also known as quicksilver, it would be quite a fascinating thought experiment! Mercury, the element, is a liquid at standard temperature and pressure, so if the planet were made of it, Mercury would not be solid as it is now. Instead, it would be a giant, spherical blob of shimmering liquid metal, orbiting the Sun.

However, in reality, the planet Mercury is not made of the element mercury. It’s composed of a large iron core surrounded by a mantle and a crust, much like Earth but with a much larger core proportionallyThe surface is rocky and covered with craters, similar to our Moon, and it has a thin atmosphere composed of trace gases.

The actual Mercury has a mean density of 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter, indicating a metallic core, which is believed to be at least partially liquid due to the way the planet wobbles. This is quite different from the liquid elemental mercury we’re familiar with here on Earth!

This is why nobody likes mercury. Its boring. So we are gonna change it. If mercury was made out of mercury than...

  1. Surface and Structure: Mercury’s current surface is rocky, with extreme temperatures ranging from about 800°F (430°C) during the day to -290°F (-180°C) at night1. If it were made of liquid mercury, the surface would be fluid and reflective, lacking the solid terrain features we see today.

  2. Temperature: Liquid mercury has a freezing point of -38.83°C and a boiling point of 356.73°C. Given Mercury’s proximity to the Sun and its current day temperature, the liquid mercury would be in a constant vapor state on the sunlit side.

  3. Atmosphere: Mercury has a very thin atmosphere today. If it were made of liquid mercury, the vaporized mercury would likely create a denser atmosphere, but it would be toxic and hostile to life as we know it.

  4. Magnetic Field: Mercury has a weak magnetic field, which is surprising for its size. If its core were liquid mercury, it might not generate a magnetic field at all, as the current field is thought to be due to the planet’s partially molten iron core2.

  5. Orbit and Rotation: Mercury’s orbit and rotation might be affected over time due to the changes in mass distribution and the interaction of the liquid surface with solar winds.

  6. Visibility from Earth: The planet would appear much brighter in the sky due to the reflective surface of liquid mercury.

Hope you had fun. Shoot for the stars Starlogers! :) :) :) 


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