Top 10 Causes Of DEATH


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"Top 10 Causes Of DEATH! Take Care Guys"

Hey, you there! You are probably alive right now. Which is good! You can enjoy the pleasures that life has to offer. Most people die around 70, but it's good to enjoy life longer. We are going to take a quick look at what could kill you. So you can avoid them! Yay!

1. Ischaemic Heart Disease

The world’s biggest killer, ischaemic heart disease, is responsible for 16% of the world’s total deaths. It’s a condition characterized by narrowed heart arteries, leading to reduced blood flow to the heart. Look at this blog post to learn more. 

2. Stroke

Strokes, which occur due to interruptions in blood supply to the brain, are the second leading cause of death, accounting for approximately 11% of total deaths. Shocking! Learn more with this blog post! 

3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

COPD, a group of lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties, is the third leading cause of death, responsible for about 6% of all deaths.  Look at this blog post to learn more. 

4. Lower Respiratory Infections

These infections, including pneumonia and bronchitis, are the fourth leading cause of death but have seen a significant decrease in fatalities over the years. Learn more with this blog post!

5. Neonatal Conditions

Conditions affecting newborns, such as birth asphyxia, sepsis, and preterm birth complications, rank fifth among the leading causes of death. Learn more with this blog post! 

6. Trachea, Bronchus, and Lung Cancers

Deaths from these cancers have risen to 1.8 million, making them the sixth leading cause of death. Cancer actually kills more people than the number 1 cause. But in this category. only targeting lung cancers is the sixth most common cause of death. Want to know more? Read this blogpost!

7. Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias

Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are now the seventh leading cause of death, with a disproportionate impact on women.  Learn more with this blog post! 

8. Diabetes

Diabetes has entered the top 10 causes of death, with a 70% increase in fatalities since 2000.  It reduces, totally blocks, or makes the insulin your body produces totally useless. Learn more with this blog post! 

9. Diarrhoeal Diseases

Though still a leading cause of death, diarrhoeal diseases have seen a significant decline in mortality rates. Learn more with this blog post! 

10. Tuberculosis

Despite being a treatable and preventable disease, tuberculosis remains one of the top causes of death globally.  Learn more with this blog post! 


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